"I've dreamt in my life dreams that have stayed with me ever after, and changed my ideas; they've gone through and through me, like wine through water, and altered the colour of my mind." (Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights, IX)
... About me

I have studied at Ca’ Foscari, University of Venice. Venice is in fact the city where I have spent the most part of my life.
I taught English at High school and later Literature at Ca’ Foscari Centre for Excellence until 2008: my field of interest has always been XIXth and XXth Century English and American Literature, in addition to Italian literature, including Leopardi and Foscolo, Lampedusa Bassani, among others. I have lectured on authors such as Emily Brontë, Eliot, Dickinson, Colette, Nievo, Bassani, Virginia Woolf.
After my first book on the Brontës and their time, The Voice of the Moor (1998), I have published literary criticism (In the English Style, 2001, Mansions and Landscapes in Literature 2002, Literary Pages 2007, The Two Emilies - Brontë and Dickinson 2009, ‘Aura sanza tempo’: T. S. Eliot and Dante, 2011, Words and Song: the tête-à-tête between Writer and Reader, 2012, "Mention of honor" at the "Premio di Arti Letterarie Metropoli di Torino" 2017, XIV edition).
I collaborate with Italian and English literary magazines ("Studi-Cattolici",, "",, "Brontë Studies", The Journal of the Brontë Society,
Calle del Paradiso, based on my life in Venice, was awarded the 2013 Vassalini Literary Prize by the Institute of Sciences, Letters and Arts of Venice.
Boonrod is the fictionalized story of my own dog, Boonrod, whose name means “the one who got away”: he is in fact a survivor of the barbaric DMT (Dog Meat Trade) in Thailand, one of the cruellest and most unjust practices ever. The Soi Dog Foundation ( saved him in 2015 with an extraordinary rescue. The royalties of the book - also in English version - will be donated to Soi Dog.
In 1919 Salerno- Rome published my biography Emily Brontë and in 2020 it was one of the three finalists of the XXXIXth Comisso Literary Award - Biography Section (Treviso, 3rd October 2020).
I collaborate with Italian and English literary magazines
(Studi Cattolici,, Brontë Studies, The Journal of the Brontë Society,